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Reviews of Propel Star Wars Millennium Falcon Battle Drone haben 10 Experten-Bewertungen der Propel Star Wars Millennium Falcon Battle Drone und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 85% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu Propel Star Wars Millennium Falcon Battle Drone.
10 Tests
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  Veröffentlicht: 2016-11-17, Autor: Daniel , Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Propel hat diese Woche in London die neuen Star Wars Race Quads vorgestellt: Quadrocopter im Star-Wars-Design. Der Clou, neben unglaublich vielen liebevollen Details, ist aber der integrierte Spielmodus. Mit Infrarot- oder Laser-Dioden können sich die Dro...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2017-08-31, Autor: Russell , Testbericht von:

  • The bottom line is these drones should be on every holiday shopping list, but hardcore Star Wars collectors need to get on this immediately in order to get that limited edition display...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2016-12-22, Autor: Mike , Testbericht von:

  • Realistic-looking, Easy to control, Lots of fun sound effects, Can battle other drones, It shoots frickin' lasers
  • Expensive, No camera
  • A long time have I watched, waiting for a great Star Wars drone. Propel's TIE Advanced, X-Wing and Speeder bike not only work well as drones, but all the little Easter eggs — dialogue and music from the movies — are great treats for Star Wars' fans. The f...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2016-12-02, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Ever wonder why they didn't just fly directly to the exhaust port instead of taking that long trench run on the Death Star? And what kind of sound military strategy was it to let the TIE fighters shoot their way through Red 3 and Red 2?Well, now you can f...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2017-09-01, Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Your squadron has been wiped out, and your battered X-wing fighter is the Rebel Alliance's last hope. As you desperately swoop and streak through space, screaming out of the stars comes Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced fighter, lasers blasting. Until you...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2017-08-31, Autor: Jonathan , Testbericht von:

  • It's a shame there are no new ships – Propel says something fresh might be coming after launch; I wouldn't hold your breath – but it's good to see a second coming for these limited-run Star Wars drones.Although there will still only be 100,000 units for s...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2016-12-22, Testbericht von:

  • The unboxing experience will make you smile, Incredible attention to detail, Lots of fan service and 'Easter Eggs', Fun and (mostly) easy to fly
  • Drone drifts slightly in flight, Batteries are difficult to remove, A camera would have been nice
  • The Star Wars Battle Drones pack in plenty of fan service alongside a drone that's great fun to fly...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2016-12-21, Testbericht von:

  • With Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hitting cinemas recently, the inevitable deluge of Star Wars-licensed tat has made another resurgence. Propel's Star Wars drones are no such things, and should make a fantastic gift for the Star Wars fan in your life this...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2016-11-18, Autor: Jay , Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  Some will be counting down to Christmas whilst people like me and my friends are counting down to the next Star Wars film. Star Wars fans have another reason to be excited now though. Propel have released the first three Star Wars Battle Quads!These new S...

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  Veröffentlicht: 2017-12-06, Autor: Peter , Testbericht von:

  • Zusammenfassung:  The last few years have seen incredibly expensive, incredibly cool Star Wars branded toys for geeks. The latest is Propel's Star Wars Battle Drone, available as a Tie Fighter, Speeder bike, or X-Wing.But it's not just Disney's licensing fees that contribu...

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