Testseek.at haben 111 Experten-Bewertungen der AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT 16GB GDDR6 PCIe und die durchschnittliche Bewertung beträgt 88% erhoben. Blättern Sie nach unten und sehen Sie alle Beiträge zu AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT 16GB GDDR6 PCIe.
April 2024
111 Tests
Durchschnittliche Punktzahl von Experten, die dieses Produkt bewertet haben.
Seite 6 Bildergalerie zu AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT im Test: Mit 16 GiB zum Sieg gegen die Geforce RTX 4070?nächste Seite nächste Seite nächste Seite nächste Seite nächste Seitezur Galerie zur StartseiteKommentare 104 In Pocket speichern Artikel teilen...
Zusammenfassung: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is a third-person action game set in the dark future of the 41st millennium. Players step into the role of Captain Titus of the Ultramarines, leading humanity's fight against the Tyranids, a relentless alien species. The game immerses players in the grim Warhammer 40,000 universe, with large-scale battles across war-torn planets and citadels. You get to use iconic weapons such as the Chainsword and Bolter to engage...
The wait is over—we're Stalkers again! Fifteen years have passed since the last installment, Call of Pripyat, and at long last, we can venture back into the Zone to face its relentless challenges. After multiple delays, GSC Game World finally released th...
Zusammenfassung: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is a third-person action game set in the dark future of the 41st millennium. Players step into the role of Captain Titus of the Ultramarines, leading humanity's fight against the Tyranids, a relentless alien species. The game immerses players in the grim Warhammer 40,000 universe, with large-scale battles across war-torn planets and citadels...
Zusammenfassung: Silent Hill 2 is now available for the PC platform as a complete rebuild of the iconic 2001 game. The story follows James Sunderland as he ventures into the haunting town of Silent Hill after receiving a mysterious letter from his deceased wife, Mary. What begins as a desperate search spirals into a journey through psychological torment, exploring themes of guilt, grief...
After 10 years, Dragon Age: Veilguard marks an exciting continuation of the beloved RPG universe, developed by BioWare. Set in the fictional world of Thedas, it brings you back to the franchise while introducing fresh gameplay mechanics that promise to e...
Zusammenfassung: Silent Hill 2 is now available for the PC platform as a complete rebuild of the iconic 2001 game. The story follows James Sunderland as he ventures into the haunting town of Silent Hill after receiving a mysterious letter from his deceased wife, Mary. What begins as a desperate search spirals into a journey through psychological torment, exploring themes of guilt, grief...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is the latest installment in the popular first-person shooter franchise developed by Treyarch. Set against a backdrop of covert operations and shadowy organizations, it combines traditional shooting mechanics with innovative gam...
Silent Hill 2 is one of the most atmospheric and chilling horror games I've ever played. It's easily up there among the best survival horror titles of all time. The game does an incredible job of drawing you into its unsettling, oppressive world with a m...
Zusammenfassung: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is a third-person action game set in the dark future of the 41st millennium. Players step into the role of Captain Titus of the Ultramarines, leading humanity's fight against the Tyranids, a relentless alien species. The game immerses players in the grim Warhammer 40,000 universe, with large-scale battles across war-torn planets and citadels...